Abstract Syntax Trees with a Pratt Parser

Published: Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Greetings, friends! This is my seventeenth post in the math expression parser series. In this tutorial, we'll make adjustments to the Pratt parser we created in the previous tutorial, so that we can generate abstract syntax tree (AST) representations of math expressions. Let's get started!

Revisiting our Pratt Parser

Let's revisit the Pratt parser we developed in the previous tutorial. We created a file named Tokenizer.js that contained the same contents as the tokenizer we used in the recursive descent parser. Our tokenizer should have the following contents.

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const TokenTypes = {
  ADDITION: '+',
  DIVISION: '/',

const TokenSpec = [
  [/^\s+/, null],
  [/^(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)/, TokenTypes.NUMBER],
  [/^[a-z]+/, TokenTypes.IDENTIFIER],
  [/^\+/, TokenTypes.ADDITION],
  [/^\-/, TokenTypes.SUBTRACTION],
  [/^\*/, TokenTypes.MULTIPLICATION],
  [/^\//, TokenTypes.DIVISION],
  [/^\^/, TokenTypes.EXPONENTIATION],
  [/^\(/, TokenTypes.PARENTHESIS_LEFT],
  [/^\)/, TokenTypes.PARENTHESIS_RIGHT]

class Tokenizer {
  constructor(input) {
    this.input = input;
    this.cursor = 0;

  hasMoreTokens() {
    return this.cursor < this.input.length;

  match(regex, inputSlice) {
    const matched = regex.exec(inputSlice);
    if (matched === null) {
      return null;

    this.cursor += matched[0].length;
    return matched[0];

  getNextToken() {
    if (!this.hasMoreTokens()) {
      return null;

    const inputSlice = this.input.slice(this.cursor);

    for (let [regex, type] of TokenSpec) {
      const tokenValue = this.match(regex, inputSlice);

      if (tokenValue === null) {

      if (type === null) {
        return this.getNextToken();

      return {
        value: tokenValue,

    throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected token: "${inputSlice[0]}"`);

module.exports = {

Then, we created a file called Parser.js that used the tokenizer and contained our implementation of a Pratt parser. By the end of the previous tutorial, our parser had the following contents.

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const { TokenTypes, Tokenizer } = require('./Tokenizer')

class Parser {
  parse(input) {
    this.input = input
    this.tokenizer = new Tokenizer(input)
    this.lookahead = this.tokenizer.getNextToken()
    this.operators = {
      '^': 5,
      unary: 4,
      '*': 3,
      '/': 3,
      '+': 2,
      '-': 2

    return this.Expression()

  eat(tokenType) {
    const token = this.lookahead

    if (token == null) {
      throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected end of input, expected "${tokenType}"`)

    if (token.type !== tokenType) {
      throw new SyntaxError(
        `Unexpected token: "${token.value}", expected "${tokenType}"`

    this.lookahead = this.tokenizer.getNextToken()

    return token

  getPrecedence(token) {
    if (token === 'unary') {
      return this.operators.unary

    if (token?.type) {
      return this.operators[token.value]

    return 0

  trig(id, value) {
    switch (id) {
      case 'sin':
        return Math.sin(value)
      case 'cos':
        return Math.cos(value)
      case 'tan':
        return Math.tan(value)
        throw new Error(`Invalid operation: ${id}`)

   * Expression
   *    = Prefix (Infix)*
  Expression(prec = 0) {
    let left = this.Prefix()

    while (prec < this.getPrecedence(this.lookahead)) {
      left = this.Infix(left, this.lookahead?.type)

    return left

   * Prefix
   *    = ParenthesizedExpression
   *    / UnaryExpression
   *    / FunctionExpression
   *    / NUMBER
  Prefix() {
    if (this.lookahead.type === TokenTypes.PARENTHESIS_LEFT) {
      return this.ParenthesizedExpression()

    if (this.lookahead.type === TokenTypes.SUBTRACTION) {
      return this.UnaryExpression()

    if (this.lookahead.type === TokenTypes.IDENTIFIER) {
      return this.FunctionExpression()

    const token = this.eat(TokenTypes.NUMBER)
    return Number(token.value)

   * Infix
   *    = ("+" / "-" / "*" / "/" / "^") Expression
  Infix(left, operatorType) {
    let token = this.eat(operatorType)
    let newPrec = this.operators[token.value]
    switch (token.type) {
      case TokenTypes.ADDITION:
        return left + this.Expression(newPrec)
      case TokenTypes.SUBTRACTION:
        return left - this.Expression(newPrec)
      case TokenTypes.MULTIPLICATION:
        return left * this.Expression(newPrec)
      case TokenTypes.DIVISION:
        return left / this.Expression(newPrec)
      case TokenTypes.EXPONENTIATION:
        return left ** this.Expression(newPrec - 1)

   * ParenthesizedExpression
   *    = "(" Expression ")"
  ParenthesizedExpression() {
    const expression = this.Expression()
    return expression

   * UnaryExpression
   *    = "-" Expression
  UnaryExpression() {
    return -this.Expression(this.getPrecedence('unary'))

   * FunctionExpression
   *    = IDENTIFIER ParenthesizedExpression
  FunctionExpression() {
    const id = this.eat(TokenTypes.IDENTIFIER).value
    const expression = this.ParenthesizedExpression()
    return this.trig(id, expression)

Below is an example of how we used our Pratt parser to evaluate math expressions.

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const parser = new Parser()
console.log(parser.parse('1 + 2 * 3')) // 7

Building Abstract Syntax Trees

In Part 15 of this tutorial series, we created abstract syntax trees (AST) using a recursive descent parser. We will create the same ASTs using the Pratt parser we built in the previous tutorial instead.

Create a new file named Parser-AST.js with the following contents:

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const { TokenTypes, Tokenizer } = require('./Tokenizer')

class Parser {
  parse(input) {
    this.input = input
    this.tokenizer = new Tokenizer(input)
    this.lookahead = this.tokenizer.getNextToken()
    this.operators = {
      '^': 5,
      unary: 4,
      '*': 3,
      '/': 3,
      '+': 2,
      '-': 2

    return this.Expression()

  eat(tokenType) {
    const token = this.lookahead

    if (token == null) {
      throw new SyntaxError(`Unexpected end of input, expected "${tokenType}"`)

    if (token.type !== tokenType) {
      throw new SyntaxError(
        `Unexpected token: "${token.value}", expected "${tokenType}"`

    this.lookahead = this.tokenizer.getNextToken()

    return token

  getPrecedence(token) {
    if (token === 'unary') {
      return this.operators.unary

    if (token?.type) {
      return this.operators[token.value]

    return 0

   * Expression
   *    = Prefix (Infix)*
  Expression(prec = 0) {
    let left = this.Prefix()

    while (prec < this.getPrecedence(this.lookahead)) {
      left = this.Infix(left, this.lookahead?.type)

    return left

   * Prefix
   *    = ParenthesizedExpression
   *    / UnaryExpression
   *    / FunctionExpression
   *    / NUMBER
  Prefix() {
    if (this.lookahead.type === TokenTypes.PARENTHESIS_LEFT) {
      return this.ParenthesizedExpression()

    if (this.lookahead.type === TokenTypes.SUBTRACTION) {
      return this.UnaryExpression()

    if (this.lookahead.type === TokenTypes.IDENTIFIER) {
      return this.FunctionExpression()

    const token = this.eat(TokenTypes.NUMBER)
    return {
      type: 'Number',
      value: Number(token.value)

   * Infix
   *    = ("+" / "-" / "*" / "/" / "^") Expression
  Infix(left, operatorType) {
    let token = this.eat(operatorType)
    let newPrec = this.operators[token.value]

    return {
      type: 'BinaryExpression',
      operator: token.value,
      right: this.Expression(
        token.type === TokenTypes.EXPONENTIATION ? newPrec - 1 : newPrec

   * ParenthesizedExpression
   *    = "(" Expression ")"
  ParenthesizedExpression() {
    const expression = this.Expression()
    return expression

   * UnaryExpression
   *    = "-" Expression
  UnaryExpression() {
    return {
      type: 'UnaryExpression',
      value: this.Expression(this.getPrecedence('unary'))

   * FunctionExpression
   *    = IDENTIFIER ParenthesizedExpression
  FunctionExpression() {
    const id = this.eat(TokenTypes.IDENTIFIER).value
    const expression = this.ParenthesizedExpression()
    return {
      type: 'Function',
      name: id,
      value: expression

module.exports = { Parser }

Notice how we didn't have to make too many changes to our original parser. Instead of returning a single value in most of our methods, we return an AST node. For example, the Infix method was modified to output an AST node with a type property of BinaryExpression.

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Infix(left, operatorType) {
  let token = this.eat(operatorType)
  let newPrec = this.operators[token.value]

  return {
    type: 'BinaryExpression',
    operator: token.value,
    right: this.Expression(
      token.type === TokenTypes.EXPONENTIATION ? newPrec - 1 : newPrec

The operator property will contain the type of mathematical operation we want to perform. The left and right properties will contain AST nodes that may resolve to other nodes, recursively.

We also no longer need the trig method because we'll handle computations in an AST evaluator later.

We can import this parser into a file named ast-example.js with the following contents:

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const { Parser } = require('./Parser-AST')

const parser = new Parser()
const ast = parser.parse('1 + 2 * 3')
console.dir(ast, { depth: null }) // log nested objects

We can execute this code using the following command:

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node ast-example

We should see the AST for the math expression, 1 + 2 * 3, displayed in the terminal.

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  type: 'BinaryExpression',
  operator: '+',
  left: { type: 'Number', value: 1 },
  right: {
    type: 'BinaryExpression',
    operator: '*',
    left: { type: 'Number', value: 2 },
    right: { type: 'Number', value: 3 }

Evaluating and Testing the AST

Since our AST is identical to the one we created in Part 8 of this tutorial series, we can reuse our AST evaluator from that tutorial.

Let's create a new file called NodeVisitor.js and add the following contents.

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class NodeVisitor {
  visit(node) {
    switch (node.type) {
      case 'Number':
        return this.visitNumber(node);
      case 'BinaryExpression':
        return this.visitBinaryExpression(node);
      case 'UnaryExpression':
        return this.visitUnaryExpression(node);
      case 'Function':
        return this.visitFunction(node);

  visitNumber(node) {
    return node.value;

  visitBinaryExpression(node) {
    switch (node.operator) {
      case '+':
        return this.visit(node.left) + this.visit(node.right);
      case '-':
        return this.visit(node.left) - this.visit(node.right);
      case '*':
        return this.visit(node.left) * this.visit(node.right);
      case '/':
        return this.visit(node.left) / this.visit(node.right);
      case '^':
        return this.visit(node.left) ** this.visit(node.right);
        throw new Error(`Invalid operation: ${node.operator}`);

  visitUnaryExpression(node) {
    return -this.visit(node.value);

  visitFunction(node) {
    switch (node.name) {
      case 'sin':
        return Math.sin(this.visit(node.value));
      case 'cos':
        return Math.cos(this.visit(node.value));
      case 'tan':
        return Math.tan(this.visit(node.value));
        throw new Error(`Invalid function: ${node.name}`);

module.exports = { NodeVisitor }

We can test our AST evaluator against a variety of math expressions using the same tests.js file we wrote in Part 15.

Inside the tests.js file, import the Parser class from the Parser-AST.js file and the NodeVisitor class from the NodeVisitor.js file.

Then, we'll update the tests to run against an evaluated AST instead of using the parser from the previous tutorial that directly returned a value.

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const assert = require('assert').strict
const { Parser } = require('./Parser-AST')
const { NodeVisitor } = require('./NodeVisitor')

const mathTests = [
  ['1', 1],
  [' 2 ', 2],
  ['1 + 2', 3],
  [' 1 + 2 ', 3],
  ['1 + 2 * 3', 7],
  ['(1 + 2) * 3', 9],
  ['5 - 2', 3],
  ['5 - 2 - 1', 2],
  ['12 / 2 / 3', 2],
  ['2 ^ 3 + 1', 9],
  ['-2 ^ 2', -4],
  ['(-2) ^ 2', 4],
  ['-2 ^ 2 + 1', -3],
  ['cos(0) + 3 * -4 / -2 ^ 2', 4]

const parser = new Parser()
const visitor = new NodeVisitor()
let result

for (const [expression, expected] of mathTests) {
  try {
    const ast = parser.parse(expression)
    result = visitor.visit(ast)
    assert.equal(result, expected)
  } catch (err) {
    const lines = '-'.repeat(process.stdout.columns)
    console.log(`Expression failed: "${expression}"`)
    console.log(`Expected result: ${expected}`)
    console.log(`Actual result: ${result}`)
    throw err

console.log('All tests passed! 🎉')

We can execute this file using the following command:

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node tests

All the tests should pass, and you should feel proud knowing that you created a parser, that generates ASTs, using an algorithm found in many popular compilers and interpreters! 🥳


In this tutorial, we learned how to make a Pratt parser that can produce an AST instead of evaluating a result. As always, an AST gives the user freedom to choose how they would like to evaluate a math expression. We also learned how to run test cases against various math expressions to make sure the AST was built correctly.

If you've been following my tutorial series from the beginning, I would like to say thank you! 💚 I see people reading my website all across the globe, and it feels nice knowing so many people from different places found my website to learn about math expression parsers.

Many thanks to everyone who read only this tutorial too 😁

As promised in Part 1 of this tutorial series, I have now taught SEVEN different ways of building math expression parsers:

  1. Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) Evaluator
  2. Shunting Yard Algorithm
  3. LR Parser Generator
  4. LL Parser Generator
  5. PEG Parser Generator
  6. Recursive Descent Parser
  7. Pratt Parser

Congrats, friend! You finally did it! 🎉🎉🎉

As a bonus for sticking with me, I'd like to present a few more articles in this tutorial series! In the next tutorial, we'll learn how to make a tiny programming language called "Tiny Math Language" or TML for short. TML is also an acronym for "thank me later" 😂

We'll learn how to create and store variables, so we can use them in math expressions! See you there! ⭐